Get Knowing Pleura Disease

G-Mix HydroShop 11:51 PM
The pleura is a fine skin that surrounds the lung (lung membrane) and lines the chest (pleura). In between is a small, little liquid-filled gap (pleural cleft). The liquid ensures that lung and pleura and exhaling easily glide past each other can. Pleurisy (Pleurisy), which age independent may occur, these two protective skins are inflamed.

Possible causes of Pleurisy
The Pleurisy is not contagious and usually occurs as a secondary disease. Underlying disease following diseases in question are:

  1. Pneumonia with transfer of pathogens on the pleura
  2. acute bronchitis
  3. Lung cancer
  4. a pulmonary embolism
  5. Tuberculosis

Diseases of adjacent organs in the abdomen and pelvis (such as inflammation of the renal pelvis).
Agents - often bacteria, only rare virus, which are far away from sources of ignition, can be a cause of Pleurisy.

Symptoms of dry Pleura
A Pleurisy can be based on the symptoms, listen to the lungs, X-ray and ultrasound examinations, as well as to diagnose the blood examination of inflammatory parameters. There are two forms of Pleurisy: the dry and the wet version.

The dry Pleurisy is characterized by symptoms such as severe chest pain when breathing and dry cough. Listening-dependent respiratory rattling, creaking noises can be heard. They arise because of the pleura and lung fur rubbing against each other. A Pleurisy of the ill has a gentle attitude, which can serve as a first visible signs in the diagnosis. Fever does not occur, however, mostly. Anders is in a wet Pleurisy.

Symptoms of wet Pleura
The dry Pleurisy often passes into a damp and febrile Pleurisy. Often occurs then also a pleural effusion. This means that more and more liquid between the ribs and lungs gets. Thanks to this fluid, the severe pain disappear. Depending on how big is the pleural effusion, but appear a feeling of pressure in the chest and shortness of breath. Sometimes affected shoulder pain complain, because the diaphragm nerve irritates the pleural effusion.

A pleural effusion is present, it is punctured to alleviate the pressure and the liquid to investigate a possible pathogen or tumor cells. Germs in the effusion can immigrate namely, causing pus is formed soon. As a result of a purulent pleurisy diaphragm inflammation can occur then.
Because breathing in a painful Pleurisy is often flat, inflamed parts of the pleura are each other long time immobile and can grow with each other especially when a purulent pleurisy. Rib and lung fur form cheat sheets, which are known as pleura calluses or pleural rinds. The lungs set connects to the rib cage and can freely develop therefore breathing.

Treatment of Pleurisy: what to do?
Of course, the duration and the forecast of Pleurisy depend on the nature of the underlying disease. A Pleurisy is treated in proper time, she heal mostly without complications. The focus of treatment is the primary condition, which caused the Pleurisy.

A dry Pleurisy is however, a pain management should be necessarily concomitantly. As affected by pain only diminished breathing, an accompanying breathing exercises can be useful. Still light fare and consistent bed rest is recommended. Homeopathy also provides two means for supporting treatment of uncomplicated Pleurisy: Bryonia and Cantharis in powers of D6 and D12.

The appropriate home remedies include hot chest packs or a hay flower therapy. Hay flowers should come from the Pharmacy and be applied in the form of a hot, wet Hay bag for about 30 to 40 minutes as a compress. Larger effusions should be a puncture. A bacterial infection is present, taking an antibiotic is probably necessary.

Treatment of advanced Pleurisy
Was at the wet Pleurisy pus formed in the pleural space, the purulent fluid by means of a chest tube should be derived. This drainage (drainage) is the purulent pleural cavity also rinsed.
Is the disease is already too far advanced, a complete emptying of the purulent fluid is no longer possible without surgery. As operation get the keyhole procedure, or open surgery. In addition, also purulent inflammatory pads should be removed here of lung and pleura.
Cheat sheets as a result of the merging of lung and pleura are characteristic for the final stage of Pleurisy. It is advisable to prevent any skin formation by an early operation in the first three to four weeks after the start of the disease. Must subsequently elaborately surgically removed rinds, it is not always possible to establish the performance of the lungs again.

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