Iron deficiency: Causes and symptoms

G-Mix HydroShop 3:28 PM
Iron deficiency belongs to the most common deficiencies worldwide, about 30%, so two billion people, are affected. Especially women belong to the risk groups. But also the complete renunciation of meat and fish products jeopardized the supply of the trace element. 
Iron is an essential micronutrient that the body can not produce. It is especially important for the formation of the red blood pigment hemoglobin and thus the transport of oxygen, but also part of the power plants in the cells and enzymes. Because the organism per day on average loses 1 to 2 mg of iron, this must be supplied with food every day.

Causes of iron deficiency
Food iron covers only the normal requirement. This is increased, for example during pregnancy or during heavy menstrual period, it comes to an iron deficiency. In addition, a mismatch between the need for iron and iron range can have other causes.
Increased demand: during pregnancy and lactation is the increased need for iron in many cases do not have the food to compensate. In this case, it is necessary to taking iron tablets. The phase of growth and puberty children need more iron.
Low iron intake: people who consume no animal foods, often have a low iron levels. Although enough iron is contained in plant-based foods, but exists in a form, which the body can exploit poorly.
Iron loss: Heavy period bleeding, prolonged bleeding ulcers or chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract bleeding hemorrhoids cause iron loss. Sporting load increases the loss of minerals and trace elements via the kidneys and sweat.

Symptoms of iron deficiency
The body can compensate for an iron deficiency over a certain period of time, however symptoms occur at this stage already mucosal lesions in the mouth and the esophagus and tongue burning such as brittle hair and nails, dry skin, cracked corners of the mouth.
The number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells is less and less, the oxygenation of the cells deteriorates. So has the body for a long time little iron; it comes to an anaemia (anaemia) with typical symptoms: persistent fatigue, decreased performance and concentration, pallor, dizziness and headaches, tingling in the hands and legs. The organism is generally susceptible to disease.

How to get enough iron

  1. Eat 3 to 4 times the week a portion of lean meat
  2. Whole grains and legumes such as lentils or cannellini beans provide iron and other valuable minerals
  3. The meals combine with vitamin C-rich vegetables such as Bell Peppers, Brussels sprouts, or potatoes or enjoy a glass of orange juice for dinner.
  4. Iron-rich meal, you should avoid on coffee, tea and milk. At least a keep distance for half hour!
  5. In addition take impending iron deficiency herbal blood juice!

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