Cold, flu or influenzal infection?

G-Mix HydroShop 8:38 AM
Each year come in the cold season runny nose, cough, hoarseness at every step. Speaking of cold, flu or grippalem infection - but what's behind these terms? We bring light into the darkness, so that a distinction between cold and flu will make no more problems.

Contagious flu
The flu is caused by the influenza virus, which is in the form of various types. Most dangerous type are A virus, that were responsible for the outbreak of avian influenza or the swine flu. The virus is spread mainly by droplet infection (for example, when coughing or sneezing). Infection is possible but also through direct contact (for example, when kissing).
Because the influenza virus is very versatile, long-lasting protection against the pathogen is not possible. A flu vaccination must be repeated, for example, every year. It is recommended for certain high-risk groups such as older or chronically ill people.

Typical symptoms of influenza
The first signs of the flu are often chills and a strongly pronounced feeling of sickness. A short time later symptoms occur such as fever and headache and body aches. Also complaints such as coughs, colds, and sore throat can cause. Those affected feel generally tired, beaten down and exhausted.
A flu, the fever can rise to up to 41 degrees. As long as the temperature rises, chills often occur. As soon as the fever falls, it comes to the sweats typical also for an influenza.
It is typical that the relatively sudden and very severe symptoms. This is different from a normal cold the flu. At a cold, the symptoms usually slower and also less noticeable get? The difference between the flu and a cold especially in the history and the severity of the disease.

Potential complications
Mostly harmless course is a flu and there will be no complications. Complications occur, this is mostly because that in addition to the viral infection even a bacterial infection is added. Such a second infection can cause diseases such as pneumonia, an ear infection or a myocarditis. Older people, young children, chronically ill and pregnant women have an increased risk for the occurrence of complications.
If you've captured a flu, you need to save themselves extensively, to prevent complications. Due to the infection, the immune system is weakened and therefore more prone to other pathogens such as bacteria, for example, namely. So that it will not be a dangerous infection, sufficient rest is up to the complete healing of flu extremely important.

History and life
The incubation period of influenza is short, from a few hours to three days. The disease breaks out, people feel very sick within a few hours. With an uncomplicated course, the flu lasts usually about a week. In more severe cases, or when complications it may take but also longer until you are fit again.
A contagion risk from the persons concerned already from the time of infection and not after the outbreak of the flu. The disease broke out, the risk of infection is about three to five days long. Children can be contagious even a few days longer.

Home remedies for flu
Have you be caught a flu, it is especially important that you physically save. Take also enough liquid – this is especially true if you have high fever and perspiration. Hot teas, peppermint, Chamomile or lime grades are well suited. You should avoid black tea better contrast, as well as on coffee and alcohol. In addition, also the following home remedies are recommended:

  1. A freshly prepared chicken soup alleviates symptoms such as cough and runny nose.
  2. Ergonomic also positively affect cough and cold symptoms.
  3. Calf wrap can help to lower high fever. Apply the wrap but only if the person concerned is hot.
  4. Neck pain can be effectively combat with gargle. In addition to salt water is also Sage tea good for gargling.

With drugs treat flu
Normally a flu must not be treated with drugs. However special antiviral drugs can be used in some cases as neuraminidase inhibitors. They positively impact disease progression especially then, when they are taken immediately after the occurrence of the first flu symptoms (within the first 48 hours).
Neuraminidase inhibitors block the spread of the virus and can shorten the duration of the disease and mitigate its severity. An antibiotic has no effect when a flu, however, because it is only against bacteria.

If you suffer from strong header or body aches, pain relievers can help alleviate the symptoms. Among other pills with aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen are suitable. Children should be given however medicines with acetylsalicylic acid under 14 years of age never, because otherwise the life-threatening Reye's syndrome may occur with them.

Prevent influenza infection
The best way to prevent the flu is vaccination. She must be each year newly as the virus constantly changes. The vaccination is recommended particularly for high-risk groups - for example, chronically ill patients and hospital staff - as well as persons over 60 years. These should be vaccinated is ideally every year before the start of winter (September to November).

In addition, there are also other ways to prevent an influenza. It is important that you regularly wash your hands during the flu season. Touch is also with your hands as far as possible not to nose and mouth if they might previously have come with viruses - for example, in buses or trains, shopping centers or medical practices - contact.

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