Prevent Migraines Naturally

G-Mix HydroShop 5:33 PM
Migraine – beyond a normal headache
When migraine attack, some people describe it like a strike by a bolt from out of the blue, the pain is repeatedly strike.  Recurrent attacks of migraine headache occur in combination with various functional disorders (such as E.g. eye flashes, spinning sensation, sweating, nausea, vomiting, discomfort, etc.)

Plenty of Migraine causes
Mostly cause of migraine is triggered by something such as alcohol or chocolate, modified wake rhythm, stress, hormonal fluctuations, hunger, stress, fatigue or exhaustion. Also different foods, spices, or odors, Migraines can be attacking at any time. When migraine attacked it cannot be avoided and the triggers cause is always different from each individual.

How to prevent migraine

Teas and juices
Grind about 2 cm of ginger root and mix it with any juice you like (type doesn't matter) and drink a glass of it every day at neutral temperature.

Clove tea
To prevent migraine you can drink up to five cups of clove tea a day, just put the tea and sugar or honey as you like into cup of a hot water.

Healthy lifestyle
Mostly stress is a major trigger of migraine pain. A manageable sleep schedule (sleep rhythm) and regular exercise can help to prevent from migraine attack.

A balanced diet with high-grade and vitamin-rich foods (mixed diet). These energy-rich foods can help to replenish the reserves of energy.  But be careful to choose that food for your diet because some food ingredients (such as preservatives and fining agents) can be called "trigger factors" of migraine (triggering factors) and sweeteners such as aspartame, glutamate or tyramine (occurs E.g. in cheese and red wine) can also trigger migraines.

The traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has achieved good effects in the prevention. This means that Acupuncture can reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks and also can be cures for migraines.

Kneipp therapy

Good effects can be achieved by a change of warm and cold stimuli. Individual Kneipp treatments such as shower, alternating - leg cast, treading water, alternating foot baths and removable arm cast train the body.

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