Diabetes: Causes and Symptoms

G-Mix HydroShop 4:43 AM
There are more than six million people, where the disease is known diabetes – in Worldwide but estimates concerned more diabetes, where the disease is still unknown. The more people the risk of diabetes, the causes, symptoms and its precursors know sooner countermeasures can take. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of glucose metabolism, in which the hormone insulin plays an important role. Basically we absorb energy in the form of carbohydrates, which splits our gastro-intestinal tract in sugar building blocks and absorbs (blood sugar) in the blood.

Insulin lowers the blood sugar level
If the blood sugar concentration in the blood increases, the hormone is delivered from certain cells of the pancreas (the Langerhans cells) insulin in the blood, because the blood sugar can only take insulin as a key in the individual cells of the body. Without insulin, the blood glucose concentration in the blood is very high, but the organs "starve", because no sugar come into it.
The excess blood sugar excreted in the urine, which results in that the urine is sweet. Hence also the name of the disease: diabetes mellitus means so much as honeyed flow.

Forms and causes of diabetes
Obesity as a cause of diabetes causes that the institutions want more and more insulin until they let the blood sugar into the cells. One speaks of insulin resistance, a major precursors of diabetes mellitus. Obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and Dyslipidemia are called the "deadly Quartet" (metabolic syndrome) - all painless disease which can have deadly consequences.
The most common form of diabetes, the type 2 diabetes, softened descriptions called adult-onset evolved gradually from the insulin resistance. A less common form of diabetes is the type 1 diabetes, in which the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas in childhood or adolescence are destroyed by an autoimmune process – that's why it is also called juvenile diabetes.
There's still the gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes), which, as its name implies - in which pregnancy occurs for the first time, and forms of diabetes, resulting in disorders of the pancreas, for example in chronic inflammation. Meanwhile, every fifth child and every third young person is too fat and thus potentially at risk diabetes.

Symptoms and signs of diabetes
Possible signs or symptoms include excessive thirst and large amounts of urine. Also an unexplained weight loss or a tendency to infections can occur as symptoms. At worst, it comes as a result of the symptoms to a diabetic coma with nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness.
Type 2 diabetes develops mostly slowly over years, in type 1 diabetes, it comes rather within weeks to the outbreak of the disease. Gestational diabetes cause especially the child, also known as pregnancy poisoning (gestosis) can develop.

The usually slow development of insulin resistance is the problem with diabetes (diabetes mellitus). While many internal organs are already considered affected, while the disease is not known or the symptoms and signs are obvious.

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